
We are here

Here are some of the tools MCC use to look after our clients both large and small, at home and in business. There are situations when we work with more than one method. If you are new to MCC and would like to find out more how we could be of support to you, the Contact Form is a good way to start !

Contact Form

For an enquiry or support issue the best way to get in touch is by using our contact form below. We welcome any new enquiries.

Annual Service

We support our home customers with a personal and dedicated annual computer service and check-up including internet security renewal.

Team Viewer

In order to fix a problem, if prompted by one of our support agents, click the following link to download TeamViewer which is a remote access and remote control computer software.

Video Conference

At MCC we understand sometimes travelling is a waste of your time and money and just not necessary. There are many video tools we can use to meet up one-to-one or as teams and be more effective.

Remote Support

Who has time to wait for callouts these days when there is the possibility of remote support? We are trusted and have experience in resolving issues remotely.

Direct Line

As part of our maintenance support plan we provide clients with a mobile number so that they have direct contact with an agent when the need arises.

Call Out

There are some cases in which remote support is just not possible and a callout is needed…. especially if the problem is no broadband and internet connection!

Something New

As technologies and culture evolves and changes, MCC continue to explore useful new ways of supporting our customers.

Say hello

For all service/support requests or new business enquiries please complete this form and we will contact you as soon as possible.

*About your personal information
The information you provide here is for support/contact purposes and will be accessed by our designated staff/Data Protection Officer only.

Dr Philip PhD / Vision
Sylvia / Technical
Gordon / Operations


MCC Computers Ltd
Unit 17 Ballymena Business Centre
62 Fenaghy Road
Co Antrim
Northern Ireland
BT42 1FL

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© MCC Computers Ltd